Publié le 30 novembre 2021–Mis à jour le 1 décembre 2021
Du 30 novembre 2021 au 01 janvier 2022
Working on wastexater survey, a 18 months post-doctoral position is available in UMR MEDiS Clermont-Fd ; France (UCA-INRAE ; site des Facultés de Médecine et Pharmacie).
As part of a project funded by the FEDER-Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Region, research activities will focus on the development of gene capture by hybridization approaches for the monitoring of viruses (SarsCov2 and enteroviruses) in wastewater (
This will involve developing a new strategy for detecting these viruses and accessing complete genome information allowing the detection of variants and monitoring the evolution of these viruses in an epidemiological framework. The hired person should have good skills in molecular biology and sequencing data analysis. Knowledge in virology and / or environmental or medical microbiology would be appreciated.
Application : A CV and a motivation letter will be sent no later than December 20, 2021.
Recruitment date: beginning of 2022
Contact : Pr. Pierre PEYRET (UMR MEDiS ; UCA-INRAE Clermont-Fd)