Sujets de thèse proposé au concours de l'ED SVSAE 2021, en Anglais
Publié le 14 avril 2021 – Mis à jour le 30 avril 2021
Le 23 juin 2021
Sujets de thèse proposé au concours de l'ED SVSAE 2021, en Anglais
- Sujet 1 - PETIT Corinne: Deciphering the role of microorganisms in biogeochemical cycles (C, N, S and Cl) and in the functioning of the lacustrine anoxic zones (model, Lake Pavin)
- Sujet 2 - BALESTRINO Damien: Phenotypic characterization of biofilm-dispersed bacteria
- Sujet 3 - BIRON David: Study of biological, physiological, genetic and phenotypic traits of model species of diatoms inhabiting radioactive mineral sources in Auvergne
- Sujet 4 - DEBROAS Didier: Deciphering the main vehicles of the antibiotic resistance genes in the environments: role of the phages and membrane vesicles
- Sujet 5 - DELBAC Frédéric: Impact of the co-exposure of honeybees to SDHI fungicides targeting the respiratory chain and to the intestinal parasite Nosema ceranae
- Sujet 6 - FORESTIER Christiane: Pulmonary infection due to Klebsiella pneumoniae: characterization of the induced cytokine storm
- Sujet 7 - BAILLY Jean-Luc: Crossing the human blood-brain barrier by neurotropic enteroviruses: investigation of possible mechanims with in vitro cell co-culture models
- Sujet 8 - LEHOURS Anne-Catherine: Extracellular oxidative metabolisms (EXOMETs): from prebiotic chemistry to contemporary soil CO2 emissions
- Sujet 9 - MALLET Clarisse: Syntrophic relationships within the cyanosphere in aquatic ecosystems under strong physicochemical constraints
- Sujet 10 - GUEIRARD Pascale: Analysis of immune responses after inoculation of Encephalitozoon cuniculi microsporidia in mice