• Adriaenssens EM, Krupovic M, Knezevic P, Ackermann HW, Barylski J, Brister JR, Clokie MR, Duffy S, Dutilh BE, Edwards RA, Enault F et al.. (2017) Taxonomy of prokaryotic viruses : 2016 update from the ICTV bacterial and archaeal viruses subcommittee. Arch Virol. doi : 10.1007
  • Colombet J, Robin A, Sime-Ngando T (2017) Genotypic, size and morphological diversity of virioplankton in a deep oligomesotrophic freshwater lake (Lac Pavin, France). Journal of Environmental Sciences 53 : 48-59
  • Gerphagnon M, Colombet J, Latour J, Sime-Ngando T (2017). Spatial and temporal changes of parasitic chytrids of cyanobacteria. Scientific Reports
  • Enault F, Briet A, Bouteille L, Roux S, Sullivan MB, Petit MA. (2017) Phages rarely encode antibiotic resistance genes : a cautionary tale for virome analyses. ISME J. 11(1):237-247.
  • Frenken T, Alacid E, Berger Sa, Bourne Ec, Gerphagnon M, Grossart Hp, Gsell As, Ibelings Bw, Kagami M, Küpper Fc, Letcher Pm, Loyau A, Miki T, Nejstgaard Jc., Rasconi S, Rene A, Rohrlack T, Rojas-Jimenez K, Schmeller Ds, Scholz B, Seto K, Sime-Ngando T et al. (2017) Integrating chytrid fungal parasites into plankton ecology. Research gaps and needs. Environmental Microbiology. doi : 10.1111/1462-2920.13827
  • Jobard M, Pessiot J, Nouaille R, Fonty G, Sime-Ngando T (2017) : Microbial diversity in support of anaerobic biomass valorization. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology 37 : 1-10 http://dx.doi.org/10.3109/07388551.2015.1100584
  • Kairo G, Biron DG, Abdelkader FB, Bonnet M, Tchamitchian S, Cousin M, Dussaubat C, Benoit B, Kretzschmar A, Belzunces LP, Brunet JL (2017) Nosema ceranae, Fipronil and their combination compromise honey bee reproduction via changes in male physiology. Scientific Reports 7 : 8556, doi : 10.1038/s41598-017-08380-5
  • Keshri J, Pradeep Ram AS & Sime-Ngando T, 2017. Distinctive patterns in the taxonomical resolution of bacterioplankton in sediment and pore waters of contrasted freshwater lakes. Microbial Ecology (pub. online, doi.org/10.1007/s00248-017-1074-z).
  • Keshri J, Pradeep Ram AS, Colombet J, Perriere F, Thouvenot A & Sime-Ngando T, 2017. Differential impact of lytic viruses on the taxonomical resolution of freshwater bacterioplankton community structure. Water Research 124 : 129-138.
  • Koji E, Noah Evoti Ov, Onana Fm, Tchakonte S, Lontsi Djimeli C, Tamsa Arfao A, Bricheux G, Sime-Ngando T, Nola M. (2017). Influence of anthropogenic pollution on the abundance dynamics of some freshwater invertebrates in the coastal area of Cameroon. Journal of Environmental Protection 8 : 810-829
  • Lampe N, Breton V, Sarramia D, Sime-Ngando T, Biron DG (2017) Understanding low radiation background biology through controlled evolution experiments. Evolutionary applications 10 (7):658-666.
  • Pradeep Ram As, Keshri J, Nana Pa, Sime-Ngando T (2017). Taxonomical resolution and distribution of bacterioplankton along the vertical gradient reveals pronounced spatio-temporal patterns in contrasted temperate freshwater Lakes. Water Research
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  • Vijayan J, Ammini P, Pradeep Ram AS, Balachandran KK, Madhu NV, Nair M, Jyothibabu R, Jayalakshmy KV, Revichandran C & Sime-Ngando T, 2017. Viral-induced mortality of prokaryotes in a tropical monsoonal estuary. Frontiers in Microbiology 8 : 895.


  • Biron DG, Nedelkov D, Missée D, Holzmuller P (2017) Proteomics and host-pathogen interactions : a bright future ? M. Tibayrenc (ed), Chapter 11, pp. 227-255, In : Genetics and Evolution of Infectious Diseases, Second Edition.
  • Eouzan I, Garnery L, Sime-Ngando T, Biron DG (2017, In press). Les pesticides, la cause du déclin de l’abeille domestique ? Chapitre 8, In : Ecotoxicologie des communautés et impacts sur les fonctions des écosystèmes. Eds Bernard C, Mougin C, Pery A, ISTE Editions, Paris.
  • Sánchez MI, Eouzan I, Pais-Costa AJ, Biron DG (2017, In press). Interactions entre parasites et pollution dans un monde en mutation. Chapitre 9, In : Ecotoxicologie des communautés et impacts sur les fonctions des écosystèmes. Eds Bernard C, Mougin C, Pery A, ISTE Editions, Paris.



  • Ballaud FC, Dufresne A, Francez AJ, Colombet J, Sime-Ngando T, Quaiser A (2016) Dynamics of viral abundance and diversity in a Sphagnum-dominated peatland : temporal fluctuations prevail over habitat. Frontiers in Microbiology 6:1494. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2015.01494
  • Chassiot L, Chapron E, Di Giovanni C, Alberic P, Lajeunesse P, Lehours AC, Meybeck M (2016) Extreme events in maar lake Pavin sedimentary record : implication for natural hazards assessment in the French Massif Central. Quaternary Science Reviews 141:9-25.
  • Fokam Z, Nana PA, Bricheux G, Vigues B, Bouchard P, Ngassam P, Sime-Ngando T (2016) Correlation between some environmental variables and abundance of Almophrya mediovacuolata (Ciliophora : Anoplophryidae) endocommensal ciliate of an anecic earthworms (Oligochaeta : Annelida) in Bambui (North West Cameroon). International Journal of Biological and Chemical Sciences 10:1983-1997.
  • Genitsaris S, Monchy S, Denonfoux J, Ferreira S, Kormas Ar. K, Sime-Ngando T, Viscogliosi E, Christaki U (2016) Marine microbial community structure assessed from combined metagenomics analysis and ribosomal amplicon deep-sequencing. Marine Biology Research 12:30-42
  • Hidalgo-Galiana A, Monge M, Biron DG, Canals F, Ribera I, Cieslak A (2016) Protein expression parallels thermal tolerance and ecologic changes in the diversification of a diving beetle species complex. Heredity 116:114–123.
  • Jephcott TG, Sime-Ngando T, Gleason FH, Macarthur DJ (2016) Host-parasite interactions in food webs : Diversity, stability, and coevolution. Food Webs 6 : 1-8.doi:10.1016/j.fooweb.2015.12.001
  • Keraval B, Lehours AC, Colombet J, Alvarez G, Amblard C, Fontaine S (2016) Soil carbon dioxide emissions controlled by an extracellular oxidative metabolism identifiable by its isotope signature. Biogeosciences 13:6353-6362
  • Krupovic M, Dutilh BE, Adriaenssens EM, Wittmann J, Vogensen FK, Sullivan MB, Rumnieks J, Prangishvili D, Lavigne R, Kropinski AM, Klumpp J, Gillis A, Enault F et al. (2016) Taxonomy of prokaryotic viruses : update from the ICTV bacterial and archaeal viruses subcommittee. Archives of Virology 161(4):1095-1099.
  • Lampe N, Biron DG, Brown JMC, Incerti S, Marin P, Sarramia D, Seznec H, Breton V (2016) Simulating the impact of the natural radiation background on bacterial systems : implications for very low radiation biological experiments. Plos ONE 11 (11):e0166364. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0166364
  • Lehours AC, Le Jeune AH, Aguer JP, Cereghino R, Corbara B, Keraval B, Leroy C, Perriere F, Jeanthon C, Carrias JF (2016) Unexpectedly high bacteriochlorophyll a concentrations in neotropical tank bromeliads. Environmental Microbiology Reports doi : 10.1111/1758-2229.12426
  • Mobili OB, Lontsi Djimeli C, Moungang Lm, Allaahdin O, Tamsa Arfao A, Mabingui J, Bricheux G, Nola M, Sime-Ngando T (2016) Microbial treatment of water containing the bacteria Enterococcus faecalis and Escherichia coli in microcosm using Artemesia annua plant extract : Hierarchical order of some abiotic factors affecting cell’s cultivability. European Journal of Biotechnology and Bioscience 4:16-26.
  • Pradeep Ram AS, Chaibi-Slouma S, Keshri J, Colombet J, Sime-Ngando T (2016). Functional responses of bacterioplankton diversity and metabolism to experimental bottom-up and top-down forcings. Microbial Ecology 72(2):347-358.
  • Pradeep Ram AS, Colombet J, Perriere F, Thouvenot A, Sime-Ngando T (2016). Viral regulation of prokaryotic carbon metabolism in a hypereutrophic freshwater reservoir ecosystem (Villerest, France). Frontiers in Microbiology 7 : 81.
  • Roux S, Enault F, Ravet V, Colombet J, Bettarel Y, Auguet JC, Bouvier T, Lucas-Staat S, Vellet A, Prangishvili D, Forterre P, Debroas D, Sime-Ngando T (2016) Analysis of metagenomic data reveals common features of halophilic viral communities across continents. Environmental Microbiology 18:889-903.
  • Tamsa Arfao A, Lontsi Djimeli C, Noah Ewoti Ov, Bricheux G, Nola M, Sime-Ngando T (2016) Detachment of adhered enteropathogenic Escherichia coli cells from polythene fragments immersed in aquatic microcosm using Eucalyptus microcorys extract (Myrtaceae). Current Research in Microbiology and Biotechnology 4:847-857.


  • AUBERT J. et al., including SIME-NGANDO T (authors) 2016. Insight on environmental genomics, the high-throughput sequencing revolution. French and English versions under the direction of FAURE D and JOLY D, ISTE Editions, London, 174p
  • Bronner G, Debroas D, Enault F, Hugoni M, Jouan I, Mary I, Ravet V, Roux S, Taib N (2016) Study of microorganisms and virus in aquatic ecosystems by metagenetic and metagenomic approaches. In : Sime-Ngando T, Amblard C, Boivin P, Chapron E, Jezequel D, Meybeck M. (Editors) : Lake Pavin : History, biogeochemistry and sedimentology of a deep meromictic crater lake, Chapter 27, Springer, The Netherlands.
  • Chassiot L, Chapron E, Miras Y, Schwab Mj, Alberic P, Beauger A, Develle Al, Arnaud F, Lajeunesse P, Zocatelli R, Bernard S, Lehours Ac, Jezequel D. Lake Pavin paleolimnology and event stratigraphy. In : Sime-Ngando T., Amblard C., Boivin P., Chapron E., Jezequel D. Meybeck M. (Editors) : Lake Pavin : History, biogeochemistry and sedimentology of a deep meromictic crater lake, Chapter 27, Springer, The Netherlands.
  • Lehours, AC, Borrel G, Morel-Desrosiers N, Bardot C, Grossi V, Keraval B, Attard A, Morel JP, Amblard C, Fonty G. (2016) Anaerobic microbial communities and processes involved in the methane cycle in freshwater lakes - a focus on lake Pavin. In : Sime-Ngando T, Boivin P, Chapron E, Jezequel D, Meybeck M (Eds.), Lake Pavin : History, biogeochemistry and sedimentology of a deep meromictic crater lake, Chapter 16, pp. 255-284, Springer, The Netherlands.
  • Sime-Ngando T, Bettarel Y, Colombet J, Palesse S, Pradeep Ram AS, Charpin M & Amblard C, 2016. Lake Pavin : A pioneer site for ecological studies of freshwater viruses. In : Sime-Ngando T, Boivin P, Chapron E, Jezequel D & Meybeck M (Eds.), Lake Pavin : History, biogeochemistry and sedimentology of a deep meromictic crater lake, Chapter 14, pp. 229-244, Springer, The Netherlands.
  • Sime-Ngando T, P Boivin, E Chapron, D Jezequel, M. Meybeck (Editors,2016) Lac Pavin – History, geology, biogeochemistry, and sedimentology of a deep meromictic maar lake. Springer, The Netherlands, 421 pages. http://link.springer.com/book/10.1007%2F978-3-319-39961-4
  • Sime-Ngando T (2016) Preface. In : Sime-Ngando T, Boivin P, Chapron E, Jezequel D, Meybeck M (Editors) - Lac Pavin - History, geology, biogeochemistry, and sedimentology of a deep meromictic maar lake. Springer, The Netherlands, pages i-xv.
  • Sime-Ngando T, Gerphagnon M, Colombet J, Jobard M, Lefevre E, Monchy S, Rasconi S, Latour D, Carrias Jf, Amblard C (2016) : Molecular diversity studies in Lake Pavin reveal the ecological importance of parasitic true fungi in the plankton. In : Sime-Ngando T, Boivin P, Chapron E, Jezequel D, Meybeck M (Editors) - Lac Pavin - History, geology, biogeochemistry, and sedimentology of a deep meromictic maar
  • lake. Springer, The Netherlands, p. 329-443.
  • Carrias Jf, Amblard C, Sime-Ngando T (2016) The significance of transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) for microorganisms in Lake Pavin. In : Sime-Ngando T, Boivin P, Chapron E, Jezequel D, Meybeck M (Editors) - Lac Pavin - History, geology, biogeochemistry, and sedimentology of a deep meromictic maar lake. Springer, The Netherlands, pages 223-228.
  • Carrias JF, Amblard C, Bourdier G, Sime-Ngando T (2016) The importance of phagotrophic protists in Lake Pavin. In : Sime-Ngando T, Boivin P, Chapron E, Jezequel D, Meybeck M (Editors) - Lac Pavin - History, geology, biogeochemistry, and sedimentology of a deep meromictic maar lake. Springer, The Netherlands, pages 307-314.


  • VALTON E., AMBLARD C., DESMOLLES F., COMBOURIEU B., PENAULT-LLORCA F., BAMDAD M. (2015)- Mini-P-gp and P-gp Co-Expression in Brown Trout Erythrocytes : A Prospective Blood Biomarker of Aquatic Pollution. Diagnostics, 5 : 10-26.
  • PRADEEP RAM A.S., COLOMBET J., PERRIERE F., THOUVENOT A., SIME-NGANDO T. (2015)- Viral and grazer regulation of prokaryotic growth efficiency in temperate freshwater pelagic environments. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 91:1-12.
  • JOBARD M., PESSIOT J., NOUAILLE R., SIME-NGANDO T. (2015)- Microbial diversity in support of waste dark fermentation. Trends in Biotechnology, 32:549-550.
  • SIME-NGANDO T. (2015)- Aeromonas : a book review. Frontiers in Microbiology 6 : 106. doi : 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00106.
  • NANA P.A., FOKAM Z., BRICHEUX G., MOCHE K., COLOMBET J., NGASSAM P., SIME-NGANDO T. (2015)- Viruses and bacteria microfauna of the soil and the digestive tract of earthworms (Oligochaetes annelids) of Cameroon : highlighting, quantification and importance. International Journal of Biosciences, 6 : 252-260.
  • FOKAM Z., NANA P.A., MOCHE K., BRICHEUX G., BOUCHARD P., NGASSAM P., SIME-NGANDO T. (2015)-Influence of soil physicochemical parameters on the abundance of Paracoelophrya polymorphus (Ciliophora : Radiophryidae) commensal of earthworms (Annelida : Glossoscolecidae) collected in Bambui (North-West Cameroon). Journal of Biodiversity and Environmental Sciences, 6 : 376-389.
  • ROUX S, ENAULT F., RAVET V., PEREIRA O., SULLIVAN M.B. (2015)- Genomic characteristics and environmental distributions of the uncultivated Far-T4 phages. Frontiers in Microbiology, doi : 10.3389/fmicb.2015.00199.
  • GERPHAGNON M., MACARTHUR D.J., LATOUR D., GACHON C.M.M., VAN OGTROP F., GLEASON F.H., SIME-NGANDO T. (2015)- Microbial players involved in the decline of filamentous and colonial cyanobacterial blooms with a focus on fungal parasitism. Environmental Microbiology, sous presse.
  • GLEASON F.H., JEPHCOTT T.G., VAN OGTROP F., KÜPPER F.C., GERPHAGNON M., SIME-NGANDO T., KARPOV S., GUILLOU L. (2015)- Potential roles for recently discovered chytrid parasites in the dynamics of harmful algal blooms. Fungal Biology Reviews, sous presse.
  • GENITSARIS S., MONCHY S., VISCOGLIOSI E., SIME-NGANDO T., FERREIRA S., CHRISTAKI U. (2015)- Seasonal variations of marine protist community structure based on taxon-specific traits using the eastern English Channel as a model coastal system. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, sous presse.
  • QUAISER A., DUFRESNE A., BALLAUD F., ROUX S., ZIVANOVIC Y., COLOMBET J., SIME-NGANDO T., FRANCEZ A.J. Diversity, distribution and comparative genomics of Microviridae in Sphagnum-peat soils. Frontiers in Microbiology (sous presse).
  • Roux S, Enault F, Hurwitz BL, Sullivan MB. (2015) VirSorter : mining viral signal from microbial genomic data. PeerJ. 3:e985
  • LEHOURS A.C., JEANTHON C. (2015)- The hydrological context determines the beta-diversity of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in European Arctic seas but does not favor endemism. Frontiers in Microbiology. doi.org/10.3389/fmicb.2015.00638


  • JOBARD M., PESSIOT J., NOUAILLE R., SIME-NGANDO T. (2014)- Microbial diversity in support of waste dark fermentation. Trends in Biotechnology, 32:549-550.
  • PRADEEP RAM A.S., SIME-NGANDO T. (2014)-Distinctive patterns in prokaryotic community composition in response to viral lysis and flagellate grazing in freshwater
  • PALESSE S., COLOMBET J., PRADEEP RAM A.S., SIME-NGANDO T. (2014)- Linking host prokaryotic physiology to viral lifestyle dynamics in a temperate freshwater lake (Lake Pavin, France). Microbial Ecology, 68 : 740-750.
  • CHRISTAKI U., LEFEVRE D., GEORGES C., COLOMBET J., CATALA P., SIME-NGANDO T., BLAIN S., OBERNOSTERER I. (2014)- Microbial food web dynamics during spring phytoplankton blooms in the naturally iron-fertilized Kerguelen area (Southern Ocean). Biogeosciences Discussion, 11 : 6985-7028.
  • SYDNEY E.B., LARROCHE C., NOVAK A.C., NOUAILLE R.,SARMA S.J., BRAR S.K., LETTI L.A. Jr, SOCCOL V.T., SOCCOL C.R. (2014)- Economic process to produce biohydrogen and volatile fatty acids by a mixed culture using vinasse from sugarcane ethanol industry as nutrient source. Bioresource Technology 159:380-386. ·
  • RODRIGUES F., FERRU G., BERTHON L., BOUBLAS N., GUILBAUD P., SOREL C., DIAT O., BAUDUIN P., SIMONIN J.P., MOREL J.P., MOREL-DESROSIERS N., CHARBONNEL M.C. (2014)- New insights into the extraction of uranium(VI) by and N,N-dialkylamide. Molecular Physics, 112:1362-1374.
  • FOUILLAND E., TOLOSA I., BONNET D., BOUVIER C., BOUVIER T., BOUVY M., GOT P., LE FLOC’H E., MOSTAJIR B., ROQUES C., SEMPERE R., SIME-NGANDO T., VIDUSSI F. (2014)- Bacterial carbon dependence on freshly produced phytoplankton exudates under different nutrient availability and grazing pressure conditions in coastal marine waters. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 87 : 757-769.
  • LONTSI DJIMELI C., TAMSA ARFAO A., NOAH EWOTI O.V., EBIANE NOUGANG M., MOUNGANG M.L., BRICHEUX G., NOLA M., SIME-NGANDO T. (2014)- Mixture of sodium hypochlorite and hydrogen peroxide on adhered Aeromonas hydrophila to solid substrate in water : Impact of concentration and assessment of the synergistic effect. International Journal of Bacteriology, Article ID 121367.
  • PRADEEP RAM A.S., PALESSE S., COLOMBET J., THOUVENOT A., SIME-NGANDO T. (2014)- The relative importance of viral lysis and nanoflagellate grazing for prokaryote mortality in temperate lakes. Freshwater Biology, 59 : 300-311.
  • CHRISTAKI U., KORMAS K.A., GENITSARIS S., GEORGES C., SIME-NGANDO T., VISCOGLIOSI E., MONCHY S. (2014)- Winter-summer succession of unicellular eukaryotes in a meso-eutrophic coastal system. Microbial Ecology, 67 : 13-23.
  • FOKAM Z., NANA P.A., NGASSAM P., BRICHEUX G., BOUCHARD P., VIGUES B., SIME-NGANDO T. (2014)- Morphological description of four new species of Nyctotherus (Ciliophora : Nyctotheridae : Heterotrichida), commensal ciliates of the digestive tract of a terrestrial Oligochaete (Megascolecidae) from the northwest region of Cameroon. Parasitology, 8 : 62-70.
  • LONTSI DJIMELI C., TAMSA ARFAO A., NOAH EWOTI O.V., BRICHEUX G., NOLA M., SIME-NGANDO T. (2014)- Adhesion of Candida albicans to polythene in Sodium hypochlorite disinfected aquatic microcosm and potential impact of cell surface properties. Current Research in Microbiology and Biotechnology, 2 : 479- 489.
  • NANA P.A., FOKAM Z., NGASSAM P., AJEAGAH G., MOCHE K., BRICHEUX G., BOUCHARD P., VIGUES B., SIME NGANDO T. (2014)- Influence of ionic contents on the stratification of astomatia and hysterocinetidae (Ciliophora, oligohymenophora) along the digestive tract of Alma Emini (Oligochaete, Glossoscolecidae) from the center region of Cameroon. International Journal of Current Research, 6 : 4468-4474.
  • Groga N., Ouattara A., Koulibaly A., Dauta A., Amblard C., Laffaille P., Gourene G. (2014)- Dynamic and_structure of_phytoplankton_community and environment in the lake Taabo (Côte d’Ivoire). International Research Journal of Public and Environmental Health, 1:70-86.
  • Sabart M., Misson B., Jobard M., Salençon M.J., Amblard C., Latour D. (2014) - Genetic diversity along the life cycle of the cyanobacterium Microcystis : highlight on the complexity of benthic and planktonic interactions - Environmental Microbiology, DOI : 10.1111/1462-2920.12555.
  • PARVATHI A., ZHONG X., PRADEEP RAM A.S., JACQUET S. (2014)- Dynamics of auto- and heterotrophic picoplankton and associated viruses in Lake Geneva. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 18 : 1073-1087.
  • ZHONG X., PRADEEP RAM A.S., COLOMBET J., JACQUET S. (2014)- Variation in abundance, genome size, morphology and functional role of the virioplankton in Lakes Annecy and Bourget over a 1-year period. Microbial Ecology, 67 : 66-82.
  • ROUX S., TOURNAYRE J., MAHUL A., DEBROAS D., ENAULT F. (2014)- Metavir 2 : new tools for viral metagenome comparison and assembled virome analysis. BMC Bioinformatics, 15:76.


  • MAIRE V., ALVAREZ G., COLOMBET J., COMBY A., DESPINASSE R., DUBREUCQ E., JOLY M., LEHOURS A.C., PERRIER V., SHAHZAD T., FONTAINE S. (2013)- An unknown oxidative metabolism substantially contributes to soil CO2 emissions. Biogeosciences, 10 : 1155-1167.
  • Bricheux G., Bonnet J.L., Bohatier J. Morel J.P., Morel-Desrosiers N. (2013)-Microcalorimetry : a powerful and original tool for tracking the toxicity of a xenobiotic on Tetrahymena pyriformis. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety, 98 : 88-94.
  • Fokam Z., Nana P.a., Ngassam P., Bricheux G., Bouchard P., Vigues B., Sime-Ngando T. (2013)- Description of two new species of Sicuophoridae and Nyctotheridae (Heterotrichina), endocommensal in the rectal ampulla of Bufo regularis (Amphibia : Anura) from the Northwest of Cameroon. Protistology, 8 : 16-21.
  • Gerphagnon M., Latour D., Colombet J., Sime-Ngando T. (2013)- A double staining method using SYTOX-green and Calcofluor White for studying fungal parasites of phytoplankton. Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 79 : 3943-3951.
  • CHRISTOPHE G., KUMAR V., NOUAILLE R., GAUDET G., FONTANILLE P., PANDEV A., SOCCOL C.R., LARROCHE C. (2013)- Recent Developments in Microbial Oils Production : a Possible Alternative to Vegetable Oils for Biodiesel Without Competition with Human Food ? Brazilian Archives of Biology and Technology, 55:29-46.
  • Gerphagnon M., Latour D., Colombet J., Sime-Ngando T. (2013)- Fungal Parasitism : Life Cycle, Dynamics and Impact on Cyanobacterial Blooms. Plos One, 8 : e60894.
  • Jacquet S., Zhong X., Ammini P., Pradeep Ram A.S. (2013)- First description of a cyanophage infecting the cyanobacterium Arthrospira platensis (Spirulina). Journal of Applied Phycology, 25 : 195-203.
  • Lescure T., Carpentier A., Battaglia-Brunet F., Morel-Desrosiers N. (2013)-Oxidation of As(III) by the bacterial community of a marine sediment monitored by microcalorimetry. Geomicrobiology Journal, 30 : 540-548.
  • Pradeep Ram A.S., Palesse S., Colombet J., Sabart M., Perriere F., Sime-Ngando T. (2013)- Variable viral and grazer control of prokaryotic growth efficiency in temperate freshwater lakes (French Massif Central). Microbial Ecology, 66 : 906-916.
  • Sauvanet J., Bourdier G., Colombet J., Viallefont A., Lemarchand C., Desvilettes C. (2013)- Estimating Esox lucius (Esocidae, Esociformes) density and populations structure in a large european alluvial river : the Allier (France). Journal of Ichthyology, 53:617-627.
  • Tamsa Arfao A., Nola M., Lontsi Djimeli C., Nandjou Nguefack R.v., Nougang M.e., Bricheux G., Sime-Ngando T. (2013)- Comparison of the inhibition of commensally and enteropathogenic E. coli strains in the presence of Eucalyptus microcorys leaves extract in aquatic microcosm. International Journal of Current Microbiology and Applied Sciences, 2 : 80-96.
  • VALTON E., AMBLARD C., WAWRZYNIAK I., PENAULT-LLORCA F., BAMDAD M. (2013)- P-gp expression in brown trout erythrocytes : evidence of a detoxification mechanism in fish erythrocytes. Scientific reports, 3 : 3422.
  • AKILA A., BRANES Z., OUNISSI M., AMBLARD C. (2013)- Dynamic Densities and specific cyanobacteria biomass of Oubeira lake (National Park of Elkala, Algeria). European Journal of Scientific Research, 99 : 287 – 296.
  • Hartmann M., Zubkov M.V., Scanlan D.J., LepEre C. (2013)- In situ interactions between photosynthetic picoeukaryotes and bacterioplankton in the Atlantic Ocean : evidence for mixotrophy. Environmental Microbiology Reports, 5:835-840.
  • Hugoni M., Etien S., Bourges A., LepEre C., Domaizon I., Mallet C., Bronner G., Debroas D., Mary I. (2013)- Dynamics of ammonia-oxidizing Archaea and Bacteria in contrasted freshwater ecosystems. Research in Microbiology, 164:360-370.
  • Lepere C., Kirkham A., Jardillier L., Mead A., Scanlan D.J. (2013)- A global perspective on marine photosynthetic picoeukaryote community structure. ISME Journal, 7:922-936.
  • Lepere C., Domaizon I., Taïb N., Mangot J.F., Bronner G., Boucher D., Debroas D. (2013)- Geographic distance and ecosystem size determine the distribution of smallest protists in lacustrine ecosystems. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 85 : 85-94.


  • BORREL G., LEHOURS A.C., CROUZET O., JEZEQUEL D., ROCKNE K., KULCZAK A., DUFFAUD E., JOBLIN K., FONTY G. (2012)- Stratification of Archaea in the Deep Sediments of a Freshwater Meromictic Lake : Vertical Shift from Methanogenic to Uncultured Archaeal Lineages. PlosOne, DOI : 10.1371/journal.pone.0043346.
  • BORREL G., COLOMBET J., ROBIN A., LEHOURS A.C., PRANGISHIVILI D., SIME NGANDO T. (2012)- Unexpected and novel putative viruses in the sediments of a deep-dark permanently anoxic freshwater habitat. ISME Journal, 6 : 2119-2127.
  • Misson B., Donnadieu-Bernard F., Godon J.J., Amblard C., Latour D. (2012)- Short and long-term dynamics of toxic potential and genotypic structure in benthic populations of Microcystis. Water Research, 46 : 1438-1446.
  • Misson B., Sabart M., Amblard C., Latour D. (2012) - Benthic survival of Microcystis : Long-term viability and ability to transcribe microcystin genes. Harmful Algae, 13 : 20-25.
  • COLOMBET J., SIME-NGANDO T. (2012)- Seasonal depth-related gradients in virioplankton : lytic activity and comparison with protistan grazing potential in Lake Pavin (France). Microbial Ecology, 64 : 67-78.
  • DELHAES L., MONCHY S., FREALLE E., HUBANS C., SALLERON J., LEROY S., PREVOTAT A., WALLET F., WALLAERT B., SIME-NGANDO T., CHABE M., VISCOGLIOSI E. (2012)- The airway microbiota in cystic fibrosis : a complex fungal and bacterial community – Implications for therapeutic management. PlosOne, 7 : e36313.
  • JOBARD M., RASCONI S., SOLINHAC L., CAUCHIE M-H., SIME-NGANDO T. (2012)- Molecular and morphological diversity of fungi and the associated functions in three European nearby lakes. Environmental Microbiology, 14 : 2480-2494.
  • MAIRE V., ALVAREZ G., COLOMBET J., COMBY A., DESPINASSE R., DUBREUCQ E., JOLY M., LEHOURS A.C., PERRIER V., SHAHZAD T., FONTAINE S. (2012)- An unknown respiration pathway substantially contributes to soil CO2 emissions, Biogeosciences Discussion, 9 : 8663-8691.
  • MONCHY S., GRATTEPANCHE J.D., BRETON E., MELONI D., SANCIU G., CHABE M., DELHAES L., VISCOGLIOSI E., SIME-NGANDO T., CHRISTAKI U. (2012)- Microplanktonic community structure in a coastal system relative to a Phaeocystis bloom inferred from morphological and tag pyrosequencing methods. Plos One, 7 : e39924.
  • MOREL J.P., MARMIER N ;, HUREL C., MOREL-DESROSIERS N. (2012) -Effect of temperature on the sorption of europium on alumina : microcalorimetry and batch experiments, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 376 : 196-201.
  • Pessiot J., Nouaille R., Jobard M., Singhania RR., Bournilhas A., Christophe G., Fontanille P., Peyret P., Fonty G., Larroche C. (2012) - Fed-batch anaerobic valorization of slaughterhouse by-products with mesophilic Microbial Consortia without Methane Production. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 167 : 1728-43.
  • RASCONI S, NIQUIL N, SIME-NGANDO T (2012)- Phytoplankton chytridiomycosis : community structure and infectivity of fungal parasites in aquatic systems. Environmental Microbiology, 14 : 2151-2170.
  • NANA P.A., FOKAM Z., NGASSAM P., ZEBAZE S.H., AJEAGAH G.A.G., BRICHEUX G., BOUCHARD P., SIME-NGANDO T. (2012)- Distribution of Astomatia Schewiakoff, 1896 and Hysterocinetidae Diesing, 1866 (Ciliophora, Oligohymenophora) along the digestive tract of Alma emini (Oligochaete, Glossoscolecidae) is correlated with physic-chemical parameters. Protistology, 7 : 193-202
  • NANA P.A., FOKAM Z., NTOUNGWA EBAGUE G.M., NGASSAM P., BRICHEUX G., BOUCHARD P., SIME-NGANDO T. (2012)- Description of five new species of hysterocinetian ciliates (Ciliophora, Hysterocinetidae), endocommensal in a terrestrial oligochaete of the genus Alma from Cameroon. Protistology, 7 : 97-107.
  • FOKAM Z., NGASSAM P., NANA P.A., BRICHEUX G., BOUCHARD P., SIME-NGANDO T. (2012)- Revision of of the subfamily of Metaracoelophryinae de Puytorac 1972 (Oligohymenophora : Hoplytophryida : Hoplytophryidae), astome ciliates of the digestive tract of Oligochaeta worms of Africa : description of five new species. Parasite, 19:41-52.
  • ROUX S., ENAULT F., ROBIN A., RAVET V., PERSONNIC S., THEIL S., COLOMBET J., SIME-NGANDO T., DEBROAS D. (2012)- Assessing the diversity and specificity of two freshwater viral communities through metagenomics. PlosOne, 7 : e33641.
  • FONTANILLE P., KUMAR V., CHRISTOPHE G., NOUAILLE R., LARROCHE C. (2012)- Bioconversion of volatile fatty acids into lipids by the oleaginous yeast Yarrowia lipolytica. Bioresource Technology, 114:443-449.
  • RODRIGUES F., BOUBALS N., CHARBONNEL M.C., MOREL-DESROSIERS N. (2012) -Thermodynamic approach of uranium(VI) extraction by N,N-(2-ethylhexyl)isobutyramide. Procedia Chemistry, 7 : 59-65.
  • MARANO A.V., EDWARDS J.E., GLEASON F.H., BÄRLOCHER F., PIRES-ZOTTARELLI C.L.A., LILJE O., SCHMIDT S.K., RASCONI S., KAGAMI M., BARRERA M.D., SIME-NGANDO T., BOUSSIBA S. (2012) - Quantitative methods for the analysis of zoosporic fungi. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 89 : 22-32.
  • DOMAIZON I, LEPERE C., DEBROAS D., GHIGLIONE J.F, JACQUET S., BOUVY M., BETTAREL Y., BOUVIER C., TORRÉTON J.P., VIDUSSI F., MOSTAJIR B., KIRKHAM A., LEFLOC’H E., FOUILLAND E., MONTANIÉ H., BOUVIER T. (2012)- Effects of UV radiation, temperature and nutrient increase on the diversity and community structure of small eukaryotes in a Mediterranean coastal lagoon. BMC Microbiology, 12:202 215. *
  • VAULOT D., LEPERE C., TOULZA E., DE LA IGLESIAS R., POULAIN J., GABOYER F., MOREAU H., VANDEPOELE K., ULLOA O., GAVORY F., PIGANEAU G. (2012)- Metagenomes of the picoalga Bathycoccus from the Chile upwelling. PlosOne, 7 : e39648. *
  • BOUMAN H.A.., LEPERE C.., SCANLAN D.J., ULLOA O. (2012)- Phytoplankton community structure in a high-nutrient, low-chlorophyll region of the eastern Pacific Subantarctic region during winter-mixed and summer-stratified conditions Deep-Sea Research. Part 1 : Oceanographic Research, 69:1-11. *


  • BORREL G., JOBLIN K., GUEDON A., COLOMBET J., TARDY V., LEHOURS A.C., FONTY G. (2011)- Methanobacterium lacus sp. nov., a novel hydrogenotrophic methanogen from the deep cold sediment of a meromictic lake. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology, doi:10.1099.
  • BORREL G., JÉZÉQUEL D., BIDERRE-PETIT C., MOREL-DESROSIERS N., MOREL J-P., PEYRET P., FONTY G., LEHOURS A-C. (2011)- Production and consumption of methane in freshwater lake ecosystems. Research in Microbiology, 162 : 832-847.
  • JEANTHON C., BOEUF D., DAHAN O., LE GALL F., GARCZAREK L., LEHOURS A.C. (2011)- Diversity of cultivated and metabolically active aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria along an oligotrophic gradient in the Mediterranean Sea. Biogeosciences, 8 : 1955-1970.
  • CHRISTAKI U., VAN WAMBEKE F., LEFEVRE D., LAGARIA A., PRIEUR L., PUJO-PAY M., GRATTEPANCHE J.D., COLOMBET J., PSARRA S., DOLAN J.R., SIME-NGANDO T., CONAN P., WEINBAUER M.G., MOUTIN T. (2011) - Microbial food webs and metabolic state across oligotrophic waters of the Mediterranean Sea during summer. Biogeosciences, 8 : 1839-1852.
  • GRAMI B., RASCONI S., NIQUIL N., JOBARD M., SAINT BEAT B., SIME-NGANDO T. (2011) - Functional effects of parasites on food web properties during the spring diatom bloom in Lake Pavin : a linear inverse modelling analysis. PlosOne, 6 :e23273.
  • MASCLAUX H., BEC A., KAGAMI M., PERGA M.E., SIME-NGANDO T., DESVILETTES C., BOURDIER G. (2011) - Food quality of anemophilous plant pollen for freshwater zooplankton. Limnology and Oceanography 56 : 939-946.
  • MONCHY S., JOBARD M., SANCIU G., RASCONI S., GERPHAGNON M., CHABE M., CIAN A., MELONI D., NIQUIL N., CHRISTAKI U., VISCOGLIOSI E., SIME-NGANDO T. (2011) - Exploring and quantifying fungal diversity in freshwater lake ecosystems using rDNA cloning/sequencing and SSU tag pyrosequencing. Environmental Microbiology, 13 : 1433-1453.
  • Misson B., Sabart M., Amblard C., Latour D. (2011) - Involvement of microcystins and colony size in the benthic recruitment of the cyanobacterium Microcystis (Cyanophyceae). Journal of Phycology, 47 : 42-51.
  • PISSON J., MOREL-DESROSIERS N., MOREL J.P., DE ROY A., LEROUX F., TAVIOT-GUEHO C., MALFREYT P. (2011) -Tracking the structural dynamics of hybrid LDH. Chemistry of Materials, 23 : 1482-1490.
  • PRADEEP RAM A.S., RASCONI S., JOBARD M., PALESSE S., COLOMBET J., SIME-NGANDO T. (2011) - High lytic infection rates but low abundances of prokaryote viruses in a humic lake (Vassivière, Massif Central, France). Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 77 : 5610-5618.
  • SIME-NGANDO T., LUCAS S., ROBIN A., TUCKER K.P., COLOMBET J., BETTAREL Y., DESMOND E., GRIBALDO S., FORTERRE P., BREITBART M., PRANGISHVILI D. (2011) - Diversity of virus-host systems in hypersaline Lake Retba, Senegal. Environmental Microbiology, 13 : 1956-1972.
  • GLEASON F., KUPPER F., AMON J., PICARD K., GACHON C., MARANO A., SIME-NGANDO T., LILJE O. (2011)- Zoosporic true fungi in marine environments, a review. Marine and Freshwater Research, 62 : 383-393.
  • THOMAS R., BERDJEB L., SIME-NGANDO T., JACQUET S. (2011) - Viral abundance, production, decay rates, and life strategies (lysogeny vs lysis) in Lake Bourget (France). Environmental Microbiology, 13, 616-630.
  • RASCONI S., JOBARD M., SIME-NGANDO T. (2011)- Parasitic fungi of phytoplankton : Ecological roles and implications for microbial food webs. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 62 : 123-137.
  • BOUVY M., BETTAREL Y., BOUVIER C., DOMAIZON I., JACQUET S., LE FLOC’H E., MONTANIE H., MOSTAJIR B., SIME-NGANDO T., TORRETON J.P., VIDUSSI F., BOUVIER T. (2011) - Trophic interactions between viruses, bacteria and nanoflagellates under various nutrient conditions and simulated climate change. Environmental Microbiology, 13:1842-1857.
  • CHRISTOPHE G., DEO J.L., KUMAR V., NOUAILLE R., FONTANILLE P., LARROCHE C. (2011)- Production of oils from acetic acid by the oleaginous yeast Cryptococcus curvatus. Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology, 167:1270-1279.
  • BETTAREL Y., BOUVIER T., BOUVIER C., CARRE C., DESNUES A., DOMAIZON I., JACQUET S., ROBIN A., SIME-NGANDO T. (2011) - Ecological traits of planktonic viruses and prokaryotes along a full salinity gradient. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 76 : 360-372.
  • LEPERE C., DEMURA M., KAWACHI M., ROMAC S., VAULOT D. (2011)- Whole genome amplification (WGA) of marine photosynthetic eukaryote populations. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 76 : 513-523.*
  • SHI X. L., LEPERE C., SCANLAN D.J., VAULOT D. (2011)- Plastid 16S rRNA gene diversity among eukaryotic picophytoplankton sorted by flow cytometry from the South Pacific Ocean. PlosOne, 10.1371/journal.pone.0018979.


  • BORREL G., LEHOURS A. C., BARDOT C., BAILLY X., FONTY G. (2010)- Members of Candidate Divisions OP11, OD1 and SR1 are widespread along the water column of the meromictic Lake Pavin (France). Archives of Microbiology, 192:559-567.
  • JOBARD M., RASCONI S., SIME-NGANDO T. (2010)- Diversity and functions of microscopic fungi : a missing component in pelagic food webs, Aquatic Sciences, 72 : 255-268.
  • LEHOURS A. C., RABIET M., MOREL-DESROSIERS N., MOREL J.-P., JOUVE L., ARBEILLE B., MAILHOT G., FONTY G. (2010)- Ferric iron reduction by fermentative strain BS2 isolated from an iron-rich anoxic environment (Lake Pavin, France). Geomicrobiology Journal, 27:714-722.
  • PRADEEP RAM A.S., SIME-NGANDO T. (2010)- Resources drive trade-off between viral lifestyles in the plankton : evidence from freshwater microbial microcosms, Environmental Microbiology, 12 : 467-479.
  • LEHOURS A. C., COTTRELL M., DAHAN O., KIRCHMAN D., JEANTHON C. (2010)- Summer distribution and diversity of aerobic anoxygenic phototrophic bacteria in the Mediterranean Sea in relation to environmental variables. FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 74 : 397-409.
  • PRADEEP RAM A.S., NISHIMURA Y., TOMARU Y., NAGASAKI K., NAGATA T. (2010)- Seasonal variation in viral induced-mortality of bacterioplankton in the water column of a large mesotrophic lake (Lake Biwa, Japan). Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 58 : 249-259.
  • LEFÈVRE E., JOBARD M., VENISSE J.C., BEC A., KAGAMI M., AMBLARD C., SIME-NGANDO T. (2010)- Development of a real-time PCR essay for quantitative assessment of uncultured freshwater zoosporic fungi. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 81 : 69-76.
  • PRADEEP RAM A. S., ARNOUS B., DANGER M., CARRIAS J. F., LACROIX G., SIME-NGANDO T. (2010)- High and differential viral infection rates within bacterial ‘morphopopulations’ in a shallow sand pit lake (Lac de Créteil - France). FEMS Microbiology Ecology, 74:83-92.
  • GACHON C., SIME-NGANDO T., STRITTMATTER M., CHAMBOUVET A., HOON KIM G. (2010)- Algal diseases : Spotlight on a black box. Trends in Plant Science, 15 : 633-640.
  • LEPERE C., MASQUELIER S., MANGOT JF., DEBROAS D., DOMAIZON I. (2010)- Vertical structure of small eukaryotes in three lakes that differ by their trophic status : a quantitative approach. ISME Journal, 4 : 1509-1519.


  • RASCONI S, JOBARD M, SIME-NGANDO T (2009) : Fungal parasitism of phytoplankton prokaryotes in the productive Lake Aydat (Massif Central, France). Applied & Environmental Microbiology, Cover Volume 75, Issue 8
  • RASCONI S, JOBARD M, JOUVE L, SIME-NGANDO T (2009) : Use of calcofluor white for detection, identification and quantification of phytoplanktonic fungal parasites. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 75 : 2545-2553
  • PRADEEP RAM AS, SABART M, LATOUR D, SIME-NGANDO T (2009) : Low effect of viruses on bacteria in deep anoxic water and sediment of a productive freshwater reservoir (Lake Grangent, France). Aquatic Microbial Ecology 55 : 255-265
  • PERSONNIC S, DOMAIZON I, SIME-NGANDO T, JACQUET S (2009) : Seasonal variations of microbial abundances and virus- vs flagellate-induced mortality of picoplankton in three peri-alpine lakes. Journal of Plankton Research, 31 : 1161-1177
  • CARRIAS JF & SIME-NGANDO T (2009) : Bactteria attached to surfaces. In : Encyclopedia of inland waters, Volume 3, pp. 182-192, Elsevier, Oxford, UK
  • SIME-NGANDO T & COLOMBET J (2009) : Virus et prophages dans les écosystèmes aquatiques. Canadian Journal of Microbiology 55 : 95-109
  • ELLOUMI J, CARRIAS JF, AYADI H, SIME-NGANDO T, BOUAÏN A (2009) : Community structure of the planktonic halophiles in the solar saltern of Sfax, Tunisia. Estuairine Coastal and Shelf Science 81 : 19-26
  • CUC D, BOUGUET-BONNET S, MOREL-DESROSIERS N, MOREL JP, MUTZENHARDT P, CANET D (2009) : Location of a metallic cation complexed in a calixarene cavity as determined by calixarene 13C spin relaxation. Application to cesium and thallium complexed by p-sulphonatocalix[4]arene in water. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 : 3499-3503.
  • ROTENBERG B, MOREL JP, MARRY V, TURQ P, MOREL-DESROSIERS N (2009) : On the driving force of cation exchange in clays : insights from combined microcalorimetry experiments and molecular simulation. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 73 : 4034-4044.
  • MOREL JP, MARMIER N, HUREL C, MOREL-DESROSIERS N (2009) : The acid-base properties of the alumina surface. Influence of the titration procedures on the microcalorimetric measurements. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 338 : 10-15.
  • CUC D, BOUGUET-BONNET S, MOREL-DESROSIERS N, MOREL JP, MUTZENHARDT P, CANET D (2009) : Behavior of cesium and thallium cations inside a calixarene cavity as probed by nuclear spin relaxation. Evidence of cation-pi interactions in water. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 113 : 10800-10807.
  • MOREL-DESROSIERS N (2009) : Aquatic chemistry. Chemistry World 6 : 36.


  • BETTAREL Y, ARFI R, BOUVIER T, BOUVY M, BRIAND E, COLOMBET J, CORBIN O, SIME-NGANDO T (2008) : Virioplankton distribution and activity in a tropical eutrophicated Bay. Estuairine Coastal and Shelf Science 80 : 425-429
  • Lehours A-C., C Bardot., P-F Pelisson., A Guedon., S Pesce., G Demeure., D Sargos., G Fonty. Successional changes in bacterial community assemblages in response to anoxia in the hypolimnion of a eutrophic lake. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 54 : 71-82.
  • Lehours A-C., I Batisson., A Guedon., G Mailhot. and G Fonty. Diversity of culturable bacteria from the anaerobic zone of the meromictic lake Pavin able to perform dissimilatory iron reduction in different in vitro conditions. Geomicrobiology Journal (In press).
  • GLEASON FH, KAGAMI M, LEFEVRE E, SIME-NGANDO T (2008) : The ecology of chytrids in aquatic ecosystems : roles in food web dynamics. Fungal Biology Reviews 22 : 17-25
  • LEFEVRE E, ROUSSEL B, AMBLARD C, SIME-NGANDO T (2008) : The molecular diversity of freshwater picoeukaryotes reveals high occurrence of putative parasitoids in the plankton. PloS One 3, 2324-2333
  • LEPAGE P, COLOMBET J, MARTEAU P, SIME-NGANDO T, DORE J, LECLERC MC (2008) : Dysbiosis in Inflammatory Bowel Disease : a role for bacteriophages ? GUT 57 : 424-425
  • PRADEEP RAM AS, SIME-NGANDO T (2008) : Functional responses of prokaryotes and viruses to grazer effects and nutrient additions in freshwater microcosms. The ISME Journal 2 : 498-509
  • CISSOKO M, DESNUES A, BOUVY M, SIME-NGANDO T, VERLING E, BETTAREL Y (2008) : Effects of freshwater and seawater mixing on virio- and bacterioplankton in a tropical estuary. Freshwater Biology 53 : 1154-1162
  • SIME-NGANDO T, COLOMBET J, PERSONNIC S, DOMAIZON I, DORIGO U, PERNEY P, HUSTACHE JC, VIOLLIER E, JACQUET S (2008) : Short-term variations in abundances and potential activities of viruses, bacteria and nanoprotists in Lake Bourget. Ecological Research 23 : 851-861
  • PISSON J, MOREL JP, MOREL-DESROSIERS N, TAVIOT-GUEHO C, MALFREYT P (2008) : Molecular modelling of the structure and dynamics of the interlayer species of ZnAlCl layered double hydroxide. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 112 : 7856-7864
  • KOUSSOROPLIS A., LEMARCHAND C., BEC A., DESVILETTES C., AMBLARD C., FOURNIER C., BERNY P. & BOURDIER G. (2008). From aquatic to terrestrial food webs : decrease of the Docosahexaenoic acid / Linoleic Acid ratio. Lipids, 43 : 461 – 466


  • COLOMBET J, ROBIN A, LAVIE L, BETTAREL Y, CAUCHIE HM, SIME-NGANDO T (2007) : Virioplankton ‘pegylation’ : use of PEG (polyethylene glycol) to concentrate and purify viruses in pelagic ecosystems. Journal of Microbiological Methods, 71 : 212-219
  • JACQUET S, DOMAIZON I, PERSONNIC S, SIME-NGANDO T (2007) : Do small grazers influence virus-induced mortality of bacteria in Lake Bourget (France) ? Fundamental & Applied Limnology 170 : 125-132
  • LEFEVRE E, BARDOT C, NOËL C, CARRIAS JF, VISCOGLIOSI E, AMBLARD C, SIME-NGANDO T* (2007) : Unveiling fungal zooflagellates as members of freshwater picoeukaryotes : evidence from a molecular diversity study in a deep meromictic lake. Environmental Microbiology 9 : 61-71
  • JUGNIA LB, SIME-NGANDO T, DEVAUX J. (2007) : Relationship between bacterial and primary production in a newly filled reservoir : temporal variability over 2 consecutive years. Ecological Research 22 : 321-330
  • ALAOUI MHAMDI B, AZZOUZI A, ALAOUI MHAMDI M, SIME-NGANDO T (2007) : Dynamics of the relative nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in a reservoir situated in a semi-arid zone (Sahela, Morocco). Water Resources Management 21 : 983-995
  • COLOMBET J, SIME-NGANDO T, CAUCHIE HM, FONTY G, HOFFMANN L, DEMEURE G (2006) : Depth-related gradients of viral activity in Lake Pavin. Applied & Environmental Microbiology 72 : 4440-4445
  • ELLOUMI J, CARRIAS JF, AYADI H, SIME-NGANDO T, BOUKHRIS M, BOUAÏN A. (2006) : Composition and distribution of planktonic ciliates from ponds of differents salinity in the solar saltwork of Sfax, Tunisia. Estuairine Coastal & Shelf Sciences 67 : 21-29
  • Fonty G., K.N Joblin, M Chavarot, R. Roux., G. Naylor and F. Michallon 2007. : Establisment and development of ruminal hydrogenotrophs in methanogen-free lambs. Appl Environ Microbiol,73 :6391-6403.
  • LEMARCHAND C., AMBLARD C., SOUCHON Y. & BERNY P. (2007). Organochlorine pesticides and PCBs contents in scats from actual expanding French Otter (Lutra lutra) populations. Water, air and Soil Pollution, 186 : 55 – 62
  • LE JEUNE A-H, CHARPIN M, SARGOS D, DELUCHAT V, LENAIN J-F, BRIAND J-F, BAUDU M, AMBLARD C. (2007) - Planktonic microbial community responses to added copper. Aquat. Toxicol. 83 : 223-237
  • CUC D., CANET D., MOREL J.P., MOREL-DESROSIERS N., MUTZENHARDT P. (2007) 133Cs Diffusion NMR spectroscopy : a tool for probing metal cation- interactions in water. ChemPhysChem., 8, 643-645
  • MOREL J.P., MARRY V., TURQ P., MOREL-DESROSIERS N. (2007) Effect of temperature on the retention of Cs+ by Na-montmorillonite : microcalorimetric investigation. J. Mater. Chem., 17, 2812-2817
  • GHOUFI A., ARCHIREL P., MOREL J.P., MOREL-DESROSIERS N., BOUTIN A., MALFREYT P. (2007) Methodology for the calculation of the potential of mean complex in water. ChemPhysChem, 8, 1648-1656
  • GHOUFI A., PISON L., MOREL J.P., MOREL-DESROSIERS N., BONAL C., MALFREYT P. (2007) Computational and experimental investigations of supramolecular assemblies of p-sulfonatocalix[4]arene organized by weak forces, J. Phys. Chem. B, 111, 11478-11485
  • Varloud M. A. Roussel, A. Guyonvarch, G. Fonty, and V. Julliand. 2007. Postprandial evolution of some biotic and abiotic characteristics of the gastric ecosystem of horses fed a pelleted concentrate meal. J Anim Sci, 85 : 2508-2516.
  • Lehours A-C., P. Evans, C. Bardot, K. Joblin, and G. Fonty. 2007. Phylogenetic diversity of Archaea and Bacteria in the anoxic zone of a meromictic lake (lake Pavin, France). Appl. Environ Microbiol, 73:2016-2019.


  • ALAOUI MHAMDI B, AZZOUZI A, ALAOUI MHAMDI M, SIME-NGANDO T (2006) - Dynamics of the relative nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations in a reservoir situated in a semi-arid zone (Sahela, Morocco). Water Res. Management., sous presse
  • BETTAREL Y, BOUVY M, DUMONT C, SIME-NGANDO T (2006) - Virus-bacteria interactions in waters and sediments of West African inland aquatic systems. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 72 : 5274-5282
  • CHARRIER M., FONTY G., GAILLARD-MARTINIE B., AINOUCHE K., ANDANT G. (2006) - Isolation and characterisation of predominant bacteria from the intestine two edible snails, Helix pomatia and Cornus aspersum (Gastropoda :Pulmonata). Biol. Res. (In press).
  • COLOMBET J, SIME-NGANDO T*, CAUCHIE HM, FONTY G, HOFFMANN L, DEMEURE G (2006) : Depth-related gradients of viral activity in Lake Pavin. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 72 : 4440-4445.
  • ELLOUMI J, CARRIAS JF, AYADI H, SIME-NGANDO T, BOUKHRIS M, BOUAÏN A. (2006) : Composition and distribution of planktonic ciliates from ponds of differents salinity in the solar saltwork of Sfax, Tunisia. Estuairine Coastal & Shelf Sciences, 67 : 21-29
  • FILIPPINI M, BUESING N, BETTAREL Y, SIME-NGANDO T, GESSNER MO (2006) : The infection paradox : high abundance but low impact of freshwater benthic viruses. Appl. Environ. Microbiol., 72 : 4893-4898
  • FONTY G., CHAUCHEYRAS-DURAND F. (2006) - Effects and modes of action of live yeasts in the rumen. Biologica (In press).
  • JUGNIA LB, SIME-NGANDO T, GILBERT D (2006) : Dynamics and estimates of growth and loss rates of bacterioplankton in a temperate freshwater system. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol., 58 : 23-32
  • LEFEVRE E., BARDOT C., NOËL C., CARRIAS JF, VISCOGLIOSI E., AMBLARD C., SIME-NGANDO T. (2006) - Unveiling fungal zooflagellates as members of freshwater picoeukaryotes : evidence from a molecular diversity study in a deep meromictic lake. Environ. Microbiol ., in press.
  • LE JEUNE A-H, CHARPIN M, DELUCHAT V, LENAIN J-F, BRIAND J-F, BAUDU M, AMBLARD CH. (2006) - Effect of copper sulphate treatment on natural phytoplanktonic communities. Aquat. Toxicol. (in press).
  • LEHOURS A-C., EVANS P., BARDOT C., JOBLIN K. AND FONTY G. Phylogenetic diversity of Archaea and Bacteria in the anoxic zone of a meromictic lake ( lake Pavin, France). Appl. Environ. Microbiol. (Accepté avec modifications mineures)
  • LEMARCHAND C, JARDILLIER L, CARRIAS JF, RICHARDOT M, DEBROAS D, SIME-NGANDO T, AMBLARD C. (2006) - Community composition and activity of prokaryotes associated to detrital particles in two contrasting lake ecosystems FEMS Microb. Ecol, 57:442-451
  • TRABALZA-MARINICCI M., PONCET CL., DELVAL E., FONTY G.. (2006) - Evaluation of techniques to detach particle-associated microorganismms from rumen contents. Anim. Feed Sci. technol.,125,1-16.
  • VARLOUD M. ROUSSEL A., GUYONVARCH A., FONTY G., AND JULLIAND V. (2006) - Postprandial evolution of some biotic and abiotic characteristics of the gastric ecosystem of horses fed a pelleted concentrate meal. J. Anim. Sci. ( in press).


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